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Showing posts from January, 2022

What Determines The Unsafe Period Of A Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is called the menstrual cycle because the counting of it takes the form of a cycle. When one counting stops, another starts. Two cycles do not breach into each other. Each cycle is independent. The menstrual cycle count has been known and said to be of an average of 28-days in more women all over the world. This means that more women in the world have a 28-day menstrual cycle count. Now some women have their menstrual cycle count to be as low as 21-days and some have their menstrual cycle count to be as high as 35-days count. No matter the one you fall into, you are perfectly normal and have absolutely nothing to worry about. There are different periods that the menstrual cycle comes with and in this article, we will be talking about one, which is the unsafe period and what determines the unsafe period of the menstrual cycle. But before we go on to talk about the unsafe period of the menstrual cycle and what determines the unsafe period of the menstrual cycle, let’s

Sight Building Emotions - Poem

By Costly Oma . 1. From a sight, it all started, And then, the building began. craving for more, I became unrest. 2. As time passes, I find myself lingering, And then, sight turns into a stare.  3 As the stares lingered, unconsciously by me, Something else developed. 4. From the mist, A picture was forming, As the clouds form around the earth.  5. This picture grew, This picture developed, A picture of incomprehensible desire. 6. Forget not, I can, Those steps of angelic strides, On that beautiful bright day.  7. The steps as they are, With rhythmical dynamics, That forced my mouth to open up. 8. Wanting you, I began. And slowly, the quest started. The journey of making you mine.  9. To be careful, I must, As the road could be filled with unknowns, For me to not step on a landmine. 10. Here I am still, Still wanting, still craving. Hear my plea, And grant my wish of our togetherness.

A Feel Of Completeness - Poem

By Costly Oma . 1. In time immemorial, I’ve dreamt of a time, A time of a privileged completeness A time of absolute fullness. 2. Envisaging the time, Gives cutis anserina, Reminiscing pictures I’ve had, Results in anticipating despair.    3. A day came, Another opportunity was spotted, And swiftly a chance was taken, Then a link was established. 4. The waters were troubled, Waves were generated, And particles shuffled, But the link held on.   5. Here we are now, With an almost enflamed rift, We’ve ducked our sail, On the shores of completeness. 6. Yea, we’ve ducked. But it’s not the end, The journey continues still, And we can only take a step at a time.

In My Country

 By Costly Oma . 29. In my country, sometimes, WAEC will declare you excellent only for NECO to come and write you off of any academic pursuit. 28. And at times in my country, WAEC will paralyze every sense of sense in you since it usually comes first in the year and then, NECO will come later to tell you, you are not so bad after all. 27. There is no smooth or straight sail of success in my country as vices are everywhere ready to pull you down. It is almost like baptism. If you are not baptised into a fold, you seem like an alien to that fold. 26. In my country, almost everyone has been baptized into the spirit of my country except for a very few people who I would say are lucky to have escaped the baptism. 25. In my country, even if WAEC and NECO set your sail going, JAMB might render you useless and make your ship motionless for years if it cares. 24. And at times, in my country, JAMB may set your colours flying only for your university to declare you useless, worthless and incom

Choosing The Sex Of Your Baby.

The Shettle's Method By Costly Oma . This post is all about having the knowledge that will enable us to choose the sex of our babies. That is, having the knowledge to choose whether as couples, we want to have a male child or we want to have a female child at any time that we want to add a child to the family.  This method of course is Shettle's method of choosing the sex of our babies. It is called the Shettle's method because the method was named after the person who invented it  Landrum B. Shettles in the 1960s. This Shettle's method was published in the book How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby , coauthored by Shettles and David Rorvik . The book How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby was first published in 1971 and has been in print in various editions ever since. Although this method has been said to not have strong scientific proof, people who have followed the method have testified to have been able to choose the sex of the baby they want to have and they said that

The Psychological Evidence Of Distance

A professor was teaching about Proverbs 15:1. This says: “A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger”. He asked his students, why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset? The students thought for a while. One said because we lose our calm. But the professor asked again, why shout when the other person is just next to you? Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you are angry? The students gave some answers but none satisfied the professor. Finally, he explained, "when two people are angry at each other, there is a distance in their hearts psychologically. To cover the distance, they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will shout to hear each other through that great distance. Then the professor asked,'' what happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because thei

The 9010 Principle

You were eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocked over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. You harshly scolded your daughter for knocking the coffee cup over. She broke down in tears. After scolding her, you turned to your wife and criticized her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. A short verbal battle followed. You stormed upstairs and changed your shirt. Back downstairs you found your daughter had been too busy crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. She eventually missed the school bus. Your wife must leave immediately for work. You rushed to the car and drove your daughter to school. Because you were late, you drove 80km/hr on a 60km/hr speed limit. After a 15 minute delay and eventually having to pay a traffic fine, you arrived at your daughter's school. Your daughter ran into the school premises without saying goodbye. You arrived at your office 20 minutes late only to discover you forgot your briefcase at home. Your day

An Interesting Use Of The Word Up.

"Up" is an amazing two-letter word! One word in the English language that could be a noun, verb, adj, adv, prep is "UP". This two-letter word in English has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that word is'UP.' It is listed in the dictionary as an [adv], [prep], [adj], [n] or [v]. It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP? At a meeting, why does a topic come UP? Why do we speak UP, and why are the officers UP for election { if there is a tie, it is a toss UP } and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report? We call UP our friends, brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and fix UP the old car. At other times, this little word has a real special meaning. People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing but to be

It's Never Too Late To Start All Over.

Starting over is an acceptance of a past we cannot change, an unrelenting conviction that the future can be different, and the stubborn wisdom to use the past to make the future what the past was not.  The new year is full of things that have never been. It's Never Too Late To Start All Over. At age 5 his Father died. At age 16 he quit school. At age 17 he had already lost four jobs. At age 18 he got married. Between ages 18 and 22, he was a railroad conductor and failed. He joined the army and washed out there. He applied for law school he was rejected. He became an insurance salesman and failed again. At age 19 he became a father. At age 20 his wife left him and took their baby daughter. He became a cook and dishwasher in a small cafe. He failed in an attempt to kidnap his own daughter, and eventually, he convinced his wife to return home. At age 65 he retired. On the 1st day of retirement, he received a cheque from the Government for $105. He felt that the Government was saying