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Showing posts from February, 2023


In my quest to live out my aspiration no matter how little I can, there was the need of finding some basic difference between some things. The difference between "A Fool" and "The Wise" sounds like something worth knowing and I didn't want to just know it from just some random source but from the Bible itself. Hence my quest to search out some basic Biblical Difference Between a Fool and the wise. AS STUBBORN AS A GOAT, AS HUMBLE AS A SHEEP. This statement "As stubborn as a Goat" and "As humble as a Sheep" has been around for as long as I can remember. One thing I know for sure is that "Stubborn" is just another word for "Foolishness". And because of what I know, It breaks my heart when I hear people take pride in saying "I know I'm stubborn", "I am stubborn" or "I've always been known to be stubborn". What you are indirectly saying is that, you are foolish and that you've always


As a person, when you use insulting language to or against someone, it means that you are of a poorer breed. It means you are of lesser quality. Excellent minds never insult. Excellent minds never abuse. There are higher words of communication. Never defame. Never repeat a scandal. We should have too much rank for that. We should have too much excellence for that. We should train ourselves to use excellent language and to speak in praise-worthy terms. Use helpful and comforting words. Leave the dirty talk and jobs to others. There are no jokes with words. We don't use words anyhow and say we are just joking. The words we speak are spirit and they are life. They live on long after they are uttered. Most of us say the wrong things now and then and leave out all the right things. Let's not be people who would say all the wrong things and scarcely say the right things.  There are some of us that whenever we say the right thing, the people around us think it's a mistake because


If time and chance permit, I would like to spend my entire life with you. Spend every moment with you and be happy with you even though I've always preferred joy. Talk to you and with you all day and all night long. And Sometimes argue with you but healthily. Have you rest your head on my shoulder in any condition and rest my head at your centre when need be. Remain as madly in love with you tomorrow as I am today. And like Oliver Twist, I would want so much more with you also. I would want to make love to you over and over. I long to look into your eyes every day. And my hands unfold every inch of your body. I'll love to have your lips glued to mine always, and slightly moving the tongue and its companions to the rhythm of the French Kiss. I'll love to make my palms take a stroll, fondling the hairs on your scalp taking my time as much as I can and then gently moving them to the back of your neck and touching it like I'm playing the Spanish Guitar while my lips do its

People Who Commit Suicide

The thought of suicide is more common than we think it is. Almost everyone at some point in life has had thoughts of suicide. There are different things and scenarios that can lead a mind to have suicidal thoughts. Long before now, people who commit suicide were mostly adults. As things are turning out to be now, more young people all over are committing suicide. The thought of it alone is worrisome, let alone the act. The present pressure that society exerts on people must, be greatly outweighing the energies and staying power of these people. More people are now more willing to take their own lives and end the suffering than keep pushing on. We are here to explore some categories of persons who might decide to commit suicide and the following are some possible categories of persons who could decide to commit suicide. 1. People Who Tend To Love Themselves Too Much To Continue Suffering. It is shockingly surprising that most people who kill themselves did it out of the feeling of love