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People Who Commit Suicide

The thought of suicide is more common than we think it is. Almost everyone at some point in life has had thoughts of suicide. There are different things and scenarios that can lead a mind to have suicidal thoughts.


Long before now, people who commit suicide were mostly adults. As things are turning out to be now, more young people all over are committing suicide. The thought of it alone is worrisome, let alone the act.

The present pressure that society exerts on people must, be greatly outweighing the energies and staying power of these people. More people are now more willing to take their own lives and end the suffering than keep pushing on.

We are here to explore some categories of persons who might decide to commit suicide and the following are some possible categories of persons who could decide to commit suicide.

1. People Who Tend To Love Themselves Too Much To Continue Suffering.

It is shockingly surprising that most people who kill themselves did it out of the feeling of love towards themselves. When someone loves himself so much that he feels he can no longer take the suffering that comes with life, he can opt to take his life.

2. People Who Tend To Care Too Much About The People They Love.

These set of people too, when they care too much for the people they love, especially when their existence is making the people they love suffer, out of too much care for their well-being, can opt to take their own lives so they can relieve the people they care about the stress of suffering over and over again because of them.

This scenario can play out in many aspects. One of the scenarios could be when they are sick to the point where they feel that their sickness is making everyone around them suffer too much, they can just decide to kill themselves.

Another scenario could be when someone has sacrificed a lot for them so they can in due time, turn the tables around and start supporting them and when it got to that due time, it seemed like almost everything they are putting their hands on to make ends meet is not walking out as it should, such a people can also opt for suicide.

It is worse when the people who have sacrificed so much for you already, are still the ones sacrificing when the tables have long overdue to turn. Life can give us some of these blows and most times, it's only with divine intervention that we escape suicide.

3. People Who Tend To Care Too Much About The People Who Are Sacrificing So Much For Them.

For this aspect, it is the continuous sacrifice that people are doing for them that gets to them so much that they decide to commit suicide. When it seems like all the time you've been alive, other people are the only ones tangibly sacrificing for and all the while, you've not found yourself in a position to assist others, you might feel belittled by life and may want to take the exit door through suicide.

4. People Who Care Too Much They Are Failing.

Most people in this life see things in terms of either failure or success. When you seem to be struggling, they label you are a failure. Even though a man struggling at the moment, doesn't necessarily mean he's failing, society generally does not care.

In every age, there is a yardstick for success and if at your age, you seem not to have crossed that bar that makes you look successful, then you would appear to be more of a failure.

5. People Who Still Depend On Others At An Age That They Shouldn't.

It is frustrating to still find that you are still depending on people at an age that people should be depending on you for basic things.

I'm yet to find something else that reduces a man as much as being dependent does. Could it be desire? 

Being dependent can reduce just about anyone to a state imaginable and when a man is still dependent at an age he shouldn't, he can begin to think of suicide.

6. People Who Tend To Not Be Meeting Up With Their Needs And The Needs Of their Immediate Circle.

There is one thing to be able to provide for yourself when you are of age and there is another to be able to provide for your immediate circle. 

In any case, a man feels worthless or of little worth when he cannot provide as he should. And when a man feels worthless like that, there is no telling of what his outcome would be.

A man's worth to an extent can only be equated to how much he can provide.

7. Children Who Don't Feel Loved Enough.

Most adults feel that children don't have a long of their own. Most adults feel that children don't think. It may be shocking but true that children indeed have concerns like adults do. Children have feelings too. Children's hearts break too.

All over the world, we hear children committing suicide and most parents and guardians are finding it helpless to find out why these children are taking their own lives at a young age. The truth is, most adults are failing as parents, guardians and caregivers.

Most adults care selfishly more about their concerns these days than pay genuine loyal attention to their children. Most adults feel that children shouldn't be apologized to when wronged. And this attitude sometimes makes the child feel completely worthless and their parents, guardians and caregivers show little or no consideration for their emotional affairs.

8. Kids Who Feel They Are Being Neglected.

I read some time ago how a 13-year-old girl took her life in the bathroom. The direct elder sister to this 13-year-old said she was laying on their bed when she saw her sister doing gymnastics stretches that morning. 

After some time that seemed like a break, her sister entered the bathroom and somehow, she was taking longer than expected to come out of the bathroom that morning, only for her to check on her sister and find her lifeless in the bathroom.  Her death was reported as a suicide, sad.

Who knows how many times this young girl has tried to communicate how she feels to people around her? Who knows how hard she had tried to express how she feels about something and no one paid attention? 

When children feel neglected and dejected, there is no telling where their choices will land them.

9. Kids Who Suffer From Abuses Of Some Sort And Had No Place Of Solace.

If only our eyes can see as well as they should, we would see a lot of kids running to find a place where they can find safety.

If only our ears can hear as well as they should, we would hear children screaming at the top of their voices calling out for help.

But how can we see or hear when we seem busy too in our own quest in life? How can we see and hear when we don't pay the right attention to them?

Most children Are going through abuse in their different circles in life. They face abuse in school, they face abuse in religious places, and they face abuse in their homes. It doesn't matter the kind of abuse, it can mostly lead to suicidal thoughts.

10. People Who Are Heartbroken

One of the most common courses of suicide is heartbreak. Heartbreak from a loved one. And it will not be wise to mention all the above points without including this one.

There is a way people see in life and at almost every given point in time, someone is looking at the world or seeing the world through someone else's eyes. Let me explain.

When you are in love, for the most part, you see the whole world through this person you love in the sense that, when all is well between you two, the whole world is beautiful. The whole world and everyone in it are perfect. 

And when you are not in good terms with this person you love, suddenly, the whole world seems miserable and everything now offends you.

This is why we hear statements like "You mean the world to me". Now, if the person that means the world to you, turns his or her back on you, your heart would break and your life would not be worth living anymore and suicide can happen.

In Summary

Looking at all of these points, a reasonable conclusion can be made that people who commit suicide, that is, people who take their own lives can be said to be a set of people who feel first of all that they have failed or failing. And secondly, worthless and neglected.

The world, whether we like it or not or whether we believe it or not, society has placed a bar on everyone in it. A bar of success and that of failure.

No matter what we have gone through and are going through, I believe that life is sacred and should be kept that way. In the sacred nature of life, I believe and think that no one has the right to take life. No one has the right to take someone else's life. No one has the right to take even their own life. No human gives life, so no human should take life.

There can be exceptions but those exceptions should be the only ones laid down by law, and also only in the act of self-defence in a scenario that gravely threatens your life or an accident. Even at this, it will still be investigated to prove your stand.


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