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My Life Experiences And Quotes

By Costly Oma.

Costly Oma Quote Collection and Life Experiences

Life has a way of Teaching, Taming and training humans. All of these life's teachings could be termed as Life's Experiences and everyone has had a measure of them. No two individuals have the same sets of life experiences in their entirety since no two people have been known to have been subjected to the same sets of living in all ramifications since our life's experiences are how we live based. I've got some of my life experiences compiled. I hope they give you something to think about as you go through them one after the other. In the cause of life, I've come to learn the following: 

My father would always say;

  1. Make sure you know all there is to know.
  2. If you want something done well, do it yourself.
  3. He that rests, rusts.
  4. Education without morality is like tea without sugar.
  5. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
  6. People generally, hardly mean what they say but women are more so. And he warns; be extremely careful on how you execute women's demands or things they want, your sisters are not an exception.
  7. As women urinate backwards, so is the average woman's thinking.
  8. If you are not extremely careful, smart and wise in your dealings with a woman, they'll make you jump into a pit and later blame you for it.
  9. If someone can take it away from you, then it's not among one of your values.
  10. Any character, attitude or value that someone can take away from you is not among one of your character, attitude or value.
  11. Any services you demand in a restaurant are not among their services. Don't make a fuss about anything. Choose whether or not you should keep dining in that restaurant without those services. 
  12. If you have to ask for it, then it's not among their services.

My Life Lessons And Quotes, And They Are Ever Being Updated:

We have two kinds of people in this life when it comes to relationships.

Those who build bridges and those who build walls.
We have two kinds of people in this life when it comes to relationships.  Those who build bridges and those who build walls.

Someone had once said:

Until you start building bridges rather than walls, you'll be doing yourself more harm than good.

Ninety-Nine per cent (99%) of us think that those who are loyal and faithful to us in relationships have no choice.
Ninety-Nine per cent (99%) of us think that those who are loyal and faithful to us in relationships have no choice.

It is one's choice to be loyal and faithful in a relationship and not because they don't have a choice.
It is one's choice to be loyal and faithful in a relationship and not because they don't have a choice.

What hurts the tree the most is not the axe, but the fact that the axe handle is made of wood.
What hurts the tree the most is not the axe, but the fact that the axe handle is made of wood. Costly Oma Quotes.

Everyone has in themselves an equal measure of cruelty and sympathy.
Some people only know how to keep theirs in check.
Everyone has in themselves an equal measure of cruelty and sympathy. Some people only know how to keep theirs in check.

A child who often plays in dirt may risk the chances of wearing good and clean clothes most of the time.
A child who often plays in dirt may risk the chances of wearing good and clean clothes most of the time.

In the sight of the Almighty, sin is sin, whether the sin of omission or the sin of commission and also the same in the realm of men. 
In the sight of the Almighty, sin is sin, whether the sin of omission or the sin of commission. Costly Oma Quotes.

And also in the realm of men, it is better to apologize for Something you did not do than to apologize for something you did wrong.
In the realm of men, it is better to apologize for Something you did not do than to apologize for something you did wrong. Costly Oma Quotes.

There is a difference between being happy and being distracted from sadness.
There is different between being happy and being distracted from sadness.

If life had not taught us anything at all, it should have taught us humility.
If life had not taught us anything at all, it should have taught us humility.

Ninety-Nine Percent (99%) of us don't matter and we don't know that we don't matter.
Ninety-Nine Percent (99%) of us don't matter and we don't know that we don't matter. Costly Oma Quote.

Justice is served if and only if those you matter want it served. 
Justice is served if and only if those you matter want it served. Costly Oma quote.

Can you make Justice be served by begging another? If your answer is no, then there's no need to raise your shoulders for another person who also does not matter. You don't matter. We are supposed to be united in humility to form a synergy against those who feel they matter.

Our forefathers know that, no matter how hard a chewing stick seemed to be at first, it soon becomes chewable when you don't quit chewing.
Our forefathers know that, no matter how hard a chewing stick seemed to be at first, it soon becomes chewable when you don't quit chewing.

In pidgin: Na only person wey dey stay for house wey roof dey lick na him know say him roof dey lick. Until him tell person for outside, no other person go know.

In English: Until you tell someone how your situation is, worst-case scenario, they can only speculate.
Until you tell someone how your situation is, worst-case scenario, they can only speculate.

Children regret where adults learn.
Children regret where adults learn.

Yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to decide either to win or to lose.
Yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to decide either to win or to lose.

When we make people surfer for too long or too much, we make them stop caring as much.
When we make people surfer for too long or too much, we make them stop caring as much.

When it has to do with your heart, you are never wrong, no matter how it turns out to be.
When it has to do with your heart, you are never wrong, no matter how it turns out to be.

It doesn't matter what we seem to be, our mentality best defines us.

Your life is now. Make a deliberate effort to enjoy every bit of it in the now.

Sometimes, the wrong way is the only way.

One of the mistakes some of us make is that we take things that are privileges to be things we are entitled to.

The man who knows a lot knows that the thing he does not know is more than the things he knows and the things he knows are more than the things he thinks he knows.

Life has a way of making things that once matter, not matter anymore.

We can hardly make the most of anything we have the wrong idea about.

In the end, it may be surprising that not all of us are humans.

Certain things will never go back to the way they use to be no matter how hard we try.

The storms of life are here only to test what we are made up of.

A team is not a team if all the members are not working harmoniously towards the defined vision.

Everything under the sun is temporary. Let's not stress too much about things we can't change.

People who do not understand your words will never understand your silence.

God gave us the gift of life, it's now up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.

One of the seeming weaknesses of a good person is thinking that everyone is like him.

No matter what we lose, we shouldn't lose ourselves in the process. If we do, we've lost everything.

We cannot undo the past. All we can do is face what's ahead.

The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Familiarity breeds contempt and predictability breeds boredom.

People will show you they have self-respect simply because they want to carry their weight.

You are only as interesting as the depths of your interests.

The mere fact that you are content with your life, keeps you interesting.

Your mistakes are yours. Own them and learn from them. Shifting blame may make you feel good but it doesn't change the truth. It will rather make you irresponsible.

Until it breaks, we often feel it's not serious.
66. People are not anything to you, until or unless you make them something.

No one gets overly uncomfortable in the toilet, by the smell of his poop.

Health almost seems like nothing when you are healthy.

You only know that health is wealth when you are battling with your health.

Everyone takes care of themselves first before others, it doesn't mean they don't care as much.

People don't understand the meaning of the words and statements they use most of the time.

Marriage is not child's play. If you have the right knowledge then apply all you know in your choice of a life partner.

There should be no sentimental compromises in your choice for your achievable defined life partner.

Everyone God is bringing your way is important in your overall well-being. Don't despise people no matter how they appear or sophisticated you think you are.

57. When you believe in a man, you preach his message.

No matter how good a teacher is, it doesn't reflect on all his students.

The beauty of life is in the eyes of those who see beautiful things.

To the pure, things are only first of all pure.

Whatever you will eventually do, do not waste time about it.

Things are not simply just TRUTH or FALSE based, nor answers YES or NO based.

Yes, Change is constant but yet there are some things in people and about people that will never change and, that form their basic character.

Some people plan their times, if they don't want to be disturbed, they should not be disturbed.

Some people think that they are doing you a favour even when you are the one giving them something they want.

Life's experience has taught me that no one owes anyone anything in this life, it's a privilege to ever get or receive anything from someone, not even from your parents.

I've come to learn in life that the best time to make money is when you are money.

Trying is a good thing but sometimes it's better not to give a try to a thing you will not give all it takes to see it through.

You can't like or dislike someone from afar. Get closer.

When you want to know how someone is, give him freedom and liberty.

We hear, see, perceive, and understand issues most times as we are and not as the matter is.

The gods seem not to always know how to protect their own.

People with less information are always in a hurry to speak.

Bad people are always full of actions; good people always wait on God or someone else to act on their behalf.

Things that children take so common, elders take so seriously.

People only hurt people. Nothing more nothing less.

When God lets you see the future, He wants you to do something about it. More like to change it to suit you.

If we can't give people a public apology, we shouldn't give them open disgrace.

Sometimes if sweet is the first and only taste we've tasted, we may not know how sweet tastes until we go taste bitter for a while and come back to taste sweet. 

The best education anyone and everyone should have is the proper use of words and statements.

When we take care of our attitude, character, habits, style of want and style of need, our lives automatically fall in place.

Our want style and our need style make up our lifestyle.

People would always want and expects others to hold them with both hands like a pot full of liquid while they hold the people with their nails like pinching a sachet of salt.

Sometimes it's not about what others are doing wrong but what you are doing right to prove them wrong.

Faithful Girls, do not underestimate the ability of unfaithful guys to make you feel responsible for their philandering nature.

Guys, do not underestimate the ability of girls to make you feel responsible for their promiscuous lifestyle.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. 

People are so possessive, wanting everyone to be answerable to them, yet they would not want to be answerable to anyone. 

Nothing is ever enough; human wants are insatiable. If someone would not appreciate the very little things you do for them, even if you kill yourself the person will not still appreciate it.

Those in love are the most miserable people in the world. Nothing torments more as one-sided true love.

Philosophers are those who feel the greatest pain in the world.

There is no ending to a thing that has no beginning.

Don't start living in your future when you've not gotten there.

To decide to live is far more difficult than the decision to die.

Depression is such a terrible thing as love is such a miserable thing.

In life, I have learnt that hardly a good did replace a bad did. A little easier for a bad did to replace a good one.

It may offend, hurt and even injure but sometimes friends are just there to help you see well. That is their true intent, it doesn't matter how we feel about it.

People do unimaginable things in the quest for livelihood.

Technology is divine and it came to make the signs of the end more visible and attainable.

It's not only about love, it's lifestyle most times that counts in our choices for a partner.

No one can change anyone that doesn’t want to be changed or that doesn’t know he needs to be changed. 

If someone likes you, he natural fined most things you do pleasing but if someone doesn’t like you, most things you do irritate them.

Most times, we only know when it’s gone.

When people are drowning or dying, that is when they know who they love or to who they would have shown more love.

People only introduce you to other people when they have faith in you.

We should never let what we cannot do stop us from doing what we can do.

If we often put up the attitude that we don't need any help from anyone, people who would have given a helping hand would unconsciously not be pushed from the inside to do so.

We shouldn't get upset at someone from whom we didn't get help. It’s a choice, not an obligation.

When troubles, pains, heartbreaks, worries, thoughts, lack, and the likes tend to wear me down, life has taught me that nothing lasts forever.

It's not the duty of a mortal to judge another mortal. The creator of all things assigns every one of us different assignments.

We cannot be so productive with fortunes acquired with the wrong means and they don’t linger for long.

You can only fight for what you believe in. Whether good or bad. Let's always re-evaluate our beliefs.
You can only fight for what you believe in. Whether good or bad. Let's always re-evaluate our beliefs.

When we demand too much from someone who can only give us a little, we risk losing the little also.
Demanding too much from people who can only give you little


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