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Showing posts from March, 2022

At Some Point Poem

By Costly Oma . 1. At some point. It felt like I had you, Or I almost had you, And then, maybe I tripped. 2. At some point, Communication with you, Was like a well cooked meal, Until I don't seem to understand anymore. 3. At some point, You craved to always hear from me My calls to you, were reconnects of souls, Only now, it doesn't seem to hold much. 4. At some point, Love birds, best describes us, As we stay connected by any means possible. Sadly, things seems to have changed.   5. Maybe it's my fault, I think it's mine. Or maybe it's my state, Or my estate. 6. Could it be, Because of individual endeavors Or you don't find me fulfilling, Or comfortingly satisfactory? 7. I can see, Can see that you love me, I also see, Perhaps you don't love me enough. 8. I'm thinking, Thinking that the fault is mine. That I'm not making you. Cannot make you love me enough.    9. The other night, In a chat, you asked. Do you have a girlfriend? Only that it wasn'

The Reason

By Costly Oma . 1. Solace, I find in poetry. In poetry, relief, I find. Not without the pain. But the pain, it soothes. 2. In my darkest days, And in my darkest hours, A line of poetry, in my heart, The difference, make. 3. When I find myself lost, In all that I cannot explain, The courage to press, A poetry gives. 4. My first love, I cannot tell. The present, past, and future. I choose the now, For the morrow, I know not. 5. When the bridge is out, And the living, being choked away, But saddled with poetry, To hold and hold I may. 6. From the lines of Ann Taylor's My Mother. To the ancient scripts of Dangerous Beauty, I grief still, But a lift, in poetry I find.  Happy World Poetry Day.

Father - Poem

By Costly Oma . 1. A Father. A role you are given. A role you didn't ask for, Yet you accepted, And have learned to understand. 2. A Father. Like a purpose, You stay loyal to it's aim. Like a vision, You stay married to it's picture. 3. A Father. Characterized by strength, Categorized by direction. Geared to provide. Wired to protect. 4. A Father. You carry a burden, Burden unknown to your wife, Burden unknown to your children, Burden unknown to your family. 5. The strength of the home. The defense of the family.  You cry sometime, Oh, yes you do, But not in the open.  6. Children misconcepts you, Misconcepts your nature, Nature of care and provision, And ascribes everything to their mothers. Lost are we without a father.  7. I love you dad, I don't misconcept you, Thank you for your seamless, Seamless care and provision.  My Father. #costly #oma #costlyoma #costlyomapoems #costlyomablog #father #fatherpoem #poemaboutfather #poemaboutafather

My Death-Feelings So Far - Part 3

By Costly Oma . My Death Encounter – Part 3. ~~ On The Road ~~  At the bus stop, I boarded a tricycle, commonly known as Keke Napep. In about three kilometres into the journey, the tricycle developed a strange sound and stopped working. I was the only one on this tricycle. As a result of the fault developed by this tricycle, it was obvious that the tricycle may not start anytime soon so I had to get down from it to board another one. I stepped down from the tricycle, moved some distance away from it and start waving for other tricycles going in my direction. In no distant time, one tricycle stopped for me to hop in and I boarded. A few minutes into the journey, I observed that this driver was driving like a confused man. In the Tricycle was the driver at the front, the driver’s seat, an elderly man and me at the back. I was seated at the right-hand side of the elderly man, so the elderly man was seated at my left-hand side. When I observed that this driver was somehow driving like a co

My Life Experiences And Quotes

By Costly Oma . Life has a way of Teaching, Taming and training humans. All of these life's teachings could be termed as Life's Experiences and everyone has had a measure of them. No two individuals have the same sets of life experiences in their entirety since no two people have been known to have been subjected to the same sets of living in all ramifications since our life's experiences are how we live based. I've got some of my life experiences compiled. I hope they give you something to think about as you go through them one after the other. In the cause of life, I've come to learn the following:  My father would always say; Make sure you know all there is to know. If you want something done well, do it yourself. He that rests, rusts. Education without morality is like tea without sugar. Anything worth doing is worth doing well. People generally, hardly mean what they say but women are more so. And he warns; be extremely careful on how you execute women's de

Death - Poem - My Fair Share

  By Costly Oma. 1. Charlotte, like a star you were, Shinning through galaxies and beyond. Reaching the unreached. And touching the untouched. 2. Genuine smile and care, many knew, Because to them, you gave. Then death came on 14/03/1993 and took you. And sorrow, grief, bitterness, sadness and tears rained. 3. Ogisobo, Rose you were often called. Like an eagle, you soared. But death came on 9/02/2011, And on its wings, it took you. 4. Not too many a day you lived, But it can be said you tried, you really did. A source of strength to many you were, Life without you is different 5. Meshach, for a full life, spent. I do hope it was fulfilling, That you accomplished all, All that you’d set to accomplish in life. 6. Though you’ve been taken, Taken by death on 1/12/2012, Your memories live on. I do hope you find peace. 7. Death, death, death. Whatever you are, Just be a bit aware, People, to you, they belong not. This POEM is dedicated to Miss Charlotte Ogboman, Miss Ogisobo Dan. Idifa, and

Death - Poem

  By Costly Oma . 1. Oh, death. You are swift. Smart and dump. And predominantly untimely. 2. You are like a sword, Cutting down lives at will, Tearing to piece, The very hearts of men. 3. Like a hawk, you are, With no announcements, And the baby hen is gone, Leaving the hen in continuous perpetual cry. 4. Human’s worse nightmare. Their most feared evil. Their ultimate fear of the unknown. You Are. 5. Like a broom, you come. Mostly the best, you sweep. Leaving the house empty, And men in tears. 6. Very fast you come, When you shouldn’t come at all. And delayed, to come, When you should come fast. 7. You are a cause of sadness. A cause of bitterness. A cause of sorrow. A cause of grief. 8. Condolences results from you. They’re not well wishes. The deepest of sympathies results from you. They aren’t praises. 9. Death, your day shall come. The day of your total destruction, And your powers shall fail you, And you will be rendered ineffective. Related: >>>> Death - My Fair Shar

One Of The Saddest Stories Told In Hollywood

This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told in Hollywood. His name is Sylvester Stallone. One of the BIGGEST and Most famous American Movie superstars. Back in the day, Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. At some point, he got so broke that he stole his wife's jewellery and sold it. Things got so bad that he even ended up homeless. Yes, he slept at the New York bus station for 3 days. Unable to pay rent or afford food. His lowest point came when he tried to sell his dog at the liquor store to any stranger. He didn't have money to feed the dog anymore. He sold it for $25 only. He says he walked away crying. They said he "Looked funny and talked funny". He left with his script. A few weeks later, the studio offered him $250,000 for the script. He refused. They even offered $350,000. He still refused. They wanted his movie. But NOT him. He said NO. He had to be IN THAT MOVIE. After a while, the studio agreed, gave him $35,000 for the script and let him

My Own Mother - Poem

By Costly Oma. ~~ Exceptional Mother ~~ 1. Who for the dream of me, Got her searching. Who for the want of me, Recognizes him. 2. Who for anticipating me, Couldn’t wait. With joy and gladness, Her all and love she freely gives. 3. Who for the thought of me, Her affections were gladly felt. With every passing moment, Her smile is so deep, it glows.   4. She who cannot wait, For that kick that makes her jerk. She who cannot wait, For that turn that takes her breath away. 5. Who felt pleasure amid the pains, Just for me. She who felt fulfilled, Even with the pain of a cut. 6. Oh, my own Mother. The one is she. Who feels contempt, Contempt in depravity. Related:  >>>> My Mother Poem By An Taylor .  #myownmother #myownmotherpoem #poemsbycostlyoma #exceptionalmother #womensday #costlyoma #costlyomablog

Woman - Poem

By Costly Oma . 1. Unaware, she seems,  Fragile, yet able. Tender, she appears. Weak, yet strong. 2. Subtle with wit. Accommodating with guard. Loose with focus. Loving with vision. 3. Characterized by beauty. Categorized as an angel. Graced with curves, And strides with style. 4. Builder like a bird. Keeper like a hen. Lover like a dolphin. Carrier like a whale. 5. Protector like an eagle. Giver like a hose. Fighter like animal. Server like a servant. 6. Product like honey. Fierce, yet gentle. Comforts like a home. This is a woman. Related: >>> A Mother Poem . >>> A Father Poem .

My Death-Feelings So Far – Part 2

By Costly Oma . My Death Encounter – Part 2. ~~ Within The Environs ~~  Now, it is almost dawn and the day was becoming active again. I feel almost anew but the encounter I had was still playing in my head and somehow, I think that I can still smell that terrible smell around as I think I can still feel it deep down my throat. I had no intentions to say anything about the night to any member of my family. At the time, I live in a home of three members. Me, my mother and my aunt. On that morning, I said to myself, I’m not going anywhere today, I’ll stay at home all through. While I was saying that to myself, it struck my mind that I even have some dirty clothes, and I said, I will take today to wash my clothes. It is morning time now and the day’s activities have kicked in fully. I got up from bed, did some push-ups and squats as I like working out sometimes, grabbed my toothbrush, discharged some toothpaste on it, entered the bathroom, pasted and bathed. I came out of the bathroom, cle