People genuinely make effort towards things they want except for children. Or should I say, mature people genuinely take steps towards things they want except for children? I've always told people that, one of the major differences between a child and an adult is in how a child lets people or someone begs them or cajole them to do things that will even benefit them the most. A true adult knows what is good for them and take the extra step to get things done for themselves without anyone pushing them even when the task is not so pleasant. To buttress my point, I cannot bring this to a conclusion if I don't pen down a lesson I got in this line. It was a story of a young girl and a young man. Some years ago, a particular young man was regular in a particular congregation. Somehow, he sees himself as a young man who is ready to get a wife so, he opted to kick-start something with someone in the same congregation, and with how they were taught such things should start. In this cong...
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