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1. From the distinct sphere of a clan. Through a people of common tongue. At the Creeks of a region. Stands Oloibiri. 2. Oloibiri, A People. Oloibiri, A Town. A side of the pyramid. The pyramid calls Ogbia. 3. An island, yet a clan. At its banks, mangroves you'll find. Like every town, Change is inevitable As the people metamorphosed. 4. Mostly only swollen by name. Dejected Still, as always. Like a cow being milked, Milked and left without nourishment. 5. 18 years, mean feet, it's not. An average of 5,000 barrels per day. You were consciencelessly milked. Almost lifeless but you stand, still. 6. Your sons and daughters must have strayed, Or perhaps, not enlightened enough. You are still decorated with Bush. And rural you are. 7. Oloibiri, where is your glory? I ask again, where is your glory Oloibiri? Lying there, seeming lifeless and fruitless. Where is your Glory Oloibiri? 8. Oloibiri, my Oloibiri. Darkness seems to have taken over you. The sting of poverty roves. Your child
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In my quest to live out my aspiration no matter how little I can, there was the need of finding some basic difference between some things. The difference between "A Fool" and "The Wise" sounds like something worth knowing and I didn't want to just know it from just some random source but from the Bible itself. Hence my quest to search out some basic Biblical Difference Between a Fool and the wise. AS STUBBORN AS A GOAT, AS HUMBLE AS A SHEEP. This statement "As stubborn as a Goat" and "As humble as a Sheep" has been around for as long as I can remember. One thing I know for sure is that "Stubborn" is just another word for "Foolishness". And because of what I know, It breaks my heart when I hear people take pride in saying "I know I'm stubborn", "I am stubborn" or "I've always been known to be stubborn". What you are indirectly saying is that, you are foolish and that you've always


As a person, when you use insulting language to or against someone, it means that you are of a poorer breed. It means you are of lesser quality. Excellent minds never insult. Excellent minds never abuse. There are higher words of communication. Never defame. Never repeat a scandal. We should have too much rank for that. We should have too much excellence for that. We should train ourselves to use excellent language and to speak in praise-worthy terms. Use helpful and comforting words. Leave the dirty talk and jobs to others. There are no jokes with words. We don't use words anyhow and say we are just joking. The words we speak are spirit and they are life. They live on long after they are uttered. Most of us say the wrong things now and then and leave out all the right things. Let's not be people who would say all the wrong things and scarcely say the right things.  There are some of us that whenever we say the right thing, the people around us think it's a mistake because


If time and chance permit, I would like to spend my entire life with you. Spend every moment with you and be happy with you even though I've always preferred joy. Talk to you and with you all day and all night long. And Sometimes argue with you but healthily. Have you rest your head on my shoulder in any condition and rest my head at your centre when need be. Remain as madly in love with you tomorrow as I am today. And like Oliver Twist, I would want so much more with you also. I would want to make love to you over and over. I long to look into your eyes every day. And my hands unfold every inch of your body. I'll love to have your lips glued to mine always, and slightly moving the tongue and its companions to the rhythm of the French Kiss. I'll love to make my palms take a stroll, fondling the hairs on your scalp taking my time as much as I can and then gently moving them to the back of your neck and touching it like I'm playing the Spanish Guitar while my lips do its

People Who Commit Suicide

The thought of suicide is more common than we think it is. Almost everyone at some point in life has had thoughts of suicide. There are different things and scenarios that can lead a mind to have suicidal thoughts. Long before now, people who commit suicide were mostly adults. As things are turning out to be now, more young people all over are committing suicide. The thought of it alone is worrisome, let alone the act. The present pressure that society exerts on people must, be greatly outweighing the energies and staying power of these people. More people are now more willing to take their own lives and end the suffering than keep pushing on. We are here to explore some categories of persons who might decide to commit suicide and the following are some possible categories of persons who could decide to commit suicide. 1. People Who Tend To Love Themselves Too Much To Continue Suffering. It is shockingly surprising that most people who kill themselves did it out of the feeling of love

Before The Dawn

This is a good piece I came across in the movie titled "Before The Dawn". For a fact, love does not always follow the rules. In the movie, the poem was written by Jared Scott who goes by the name Jason Walker and was narrated by both him and Alana De Frietas who was named Lila Kendy. Before The Dawn Poem 1. What happens, happened for a reason, Though, those reasons remain unknown. 2. It won't be this bad forever, Though you feel like you walk alone. 3. I can hear somebody screaming. I hear fear and agony. 4. Frantic, I open my eyes. I realize that somebody is me. 5. You cannot change what happened. No matter how hard you try. 6. You cannot turn back the hands of time. No matter how much you cry. 7. Dark times make you stronger. But sometimes, cold and withdrawn.  8. When it feels too much remembering, It's always Darkest before the Dawn.

The Difference Between Being In The House Of God Conscious And Being In The Word Of God Conscious

Being in the house of God conscious depicts only occasionally being in the presence of God. Being in the word of God conscious on the other hand depicts a continuous being in the presence of God without breaks. I've ways told people that if I'm asked to choose just a single word out of the dictionary, the word consciousness would be the word, for the obvious reason that, no matter what we seem to know and believe, if we are not conscious of it, it would almost be as if we didn't know or we never knew. I want to believe that one of the greatest desires of a Christian should be to always continuously be in the presence of God. If for no better reason, it would be for the sole reason as stated in 2 Corinthians  3:17b "and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." And also in Psalms  97:5a "The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD" Psalms  16:11b "in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand, there are pleasures for evermo

Some Difference Between A Child And An Adult And Their Implications

A child is a unique and peculiar phase of human nature. It's a phase that has its peculiarities and as such, it comes with its character and attitude. Being a child is a blessing but not without certain aspects of challenges. Being a child is not in the number of years lived. Being a child is a phase. Some of us stay in that phase all our lives. Meanwhile, some of us leave that phase even before the law declares us adults. Here, we will be looking at some major differences between a child and an adult and the implications that come with the differences. The differences we will be is not about age but about a phase revealed by behaviour. 1. When a child is hungry, the child would cry and most times, it's the caregiver that would have to figure out that it is hungry that's making the child cry.  Adults shouldn't cry when they are hungry. Any adult who cries when hungry is not termed an adult. Such a person can be best referred to as a child. 2. When the caregiver figures

What It Means By Living Life Like You Are Not Ready To Live

People genuinely make effort towards things they want except for children. Or should I say, mature people genuinely take steps towards things they want except for children? I've always told people that, one of the major differences between a child and an adult is in how a child lets people or someone begs them or cajole them to do things that will even benefit them the most. A true adult knows what is good for them and take the extra step to get things done for themselves without anyone pushing them even when the task is not so pleasant. To buttress my point, I cannot bring this to a conclusion if I don't pen down a lesson I got in this line.  It was a story of a young girl and a young man. Some years ago, a particular young man was regular in a particular congregation. Somehow, he sees himself as a young man who is ready to get a wife so, he opted to kick-start something with someone in the same congregation, and with how they were taught such things should start. In this cong

When Breakups Start in Relationships

Doesn’t it surprise us most times when people who seem to be in love, for the most part, break up eventually or announce their breakup? Most of us used to be surprised or act surprised when we see people break up or when we come to the point of breakup in our relationships. I often wonder when people seem surprised when their relationships come to an end. I think that the end of any relationship starts somewhere. I think that signs of breakups in a relationship start from somewhere. I believe that breakups start long ago before it happens. And I believe that the signs have always been there. And often, I wonder, is it that we were blinded or we just chose to be blinded? I often say it does not matter whether we take the day to be night or the night to be the day, the day or the night is what it is and will always be what it is. No matter what we believe or what we want to believe, we can hardly change a natural phenomenon. So, this brings us to the question: when does a breakup start i