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Showing posts from November, 2021


By Costly Oma. Here is a story I came across some time ago. I think it is a story from one of those Bimbo Odukoya's  "in blessed memory" shows I presume. There was this young girl who has been diagnosed with 5 deadly diseases that were encroaching on her being alive. This young girl has gone to different religious places, herbal homes, native doctors etc. but to no avail. No solution was in sight. She grows so hopeless and helpless at the passing of each day. At a time, as the days pass by, what she can only say every day was a short word of prayer, that God if this is how you want to take me back then let your will be done. She has been living like that for over six years, always on drugs and regular check-ups just to make her stay around for a while. Then one faithful day, this girl visited the hospital for her regular check-ups. On this day, she went there alone, during the process of checking her up, she was required to pay some fee and the money with her wasn't e


By Costly Oma . "They call it jokes, some people say they’re just playing, I didn't mean that. Others say it's one of the funs of friendship. Do you know what I call it? I call it unconscious self-inflicted confusion. It is far worse than being crazy. It is the madness of the highest order." Some of us are living in a constant state of confusion daily without knowing. Anyone from the standpoint of foolishness never knows that he is there. It is said that just at the point of realization that anyone has been acting foolishly is wisdom on its own. Therefore when once people realize that they act foolishly on any subject matter, they are already becoming wise about the subject matter. This is just for emphasis. Behaviours and the interpretations of behaviours by others are relative. We all struggle in this light and I'm no exception. There are not many things as worse as someone not knowing and he does not know that he does not know, because, in that state, correctio

My Opinion On How To Hold Political Office Holders Accountable

  By Costly Oma . In my opinion, the impact of democracy has been lesser than anticipated in Nigeria. Since the inception of democracy in 1999, Nigeria has had office holders that were not held accountable to the promises of their manifestos. I don’t want to go back to count the items in the manifesto of our past presidents and governors in our country Nigeria and our states respectively. We’ve had people who have promised XYZ when coming to take positions of offices and when they get there with or without our help, they kick start their own private agender that we never knew or that we were never told. Listed below are the campaign promises of the current President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria President Muhamadu Buhari as documented by the International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos Nigeria. This list was first published on on 20th June 2019. The Campaign Promises. 1.     To engage one million N-power graduates and skill up 10 million Nigerians in partnership with the pri


  By Costly Oma . A True Friend is a Candle Lighter A lot of people would say I choose my friends. And I think that choosing your friends is just fine. But the question is; can those whom you said to have chosen as friends say also that they choose you as a friend? Does this ring a bell? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. It is easy, very easy to choose someone as a friend but it is not that easy for the one we have chosen as a friend to regard or in turn choose us as friends, this is true even in other kinds of relationships. Now several people may have the definition of what they think a friend should be, or what they define as a friend, in any case, I respect their definition and will always respect their definition. I, on the other hand, have what I define as a friend and here are several statements I use to define what and who I call a friend. Some of my definitions of a True Friend A friend is someone who knows your dreams and aspirations and goes against all odds to see to it in h


By   Costly Oma . Everything we hear is an opinion and Everything we see is a perspective. It’s an obvious fact that loud people talk more than quiet people as liars are always on the talking side compared to those who are truthful. There is this confidence that truth bestows on a man. When a man knows he is saying the truth about anything, there is this peace and confidence he possesses. For the most part, truth is both relative and subjective. For instance, if two persons are suspected to be involved in a crime that only one of them could have really committed the crime, the people around who are observers, peacemakers or those who could act as judges should be wise to really differentiate between a lying tongue and the one saying the truth. The one who really committed the crime would be all out to cover his or her tracks with every means possible and most times get the innocent victimised. Records have it that the innocent in our society suffer most and the reason they suffer most

LIFE AS A MAGNIFIED REFLECTOR - The mirror side of life

By   Costly Oma . The Magic Of Reflection We all came and met days and someday, we will all go and leave days behind us but hopefully, we will all be here to witness many more days, weeks, months and years. In the course of our lives, I think that there is one question that almost everyone has an already made answer to. I think that most of us don't have to think before our mouths open and the words to the answer start pouring out. I sometimes call it one of the preferred deliberate wants of human nature. It's something almost all of us want except for those who were consciously or unconsciously designed to doom the world and also destroy themselves in the process. The question is: Do you want the world to be better? Do you want the world to be a better place? Your guess is as good as mine as to what the answer is for a good number of us if not all of us. A good number of us would want the world to be better, a good number of us would want the world to be a better place but wha

My Love Language And The Reason For My Love Language

By  Costly Oma . MY LOVE LANGUAGE IS NOT AMONG THE FIVE BASIC LOVE LANGUAGES AS TAUGHT BY GARY CHAPMAN  THE AUTHOR OF  THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES It is almost impossible for me to just go ahead and say my love language without first saying other things knowing that things are not just that black and white. Here is what I have to say, I hope you find it worthwhile. While growing up as a child, I was made to believe by things and people around me that most things in life are referenced by their seeming opposite; like black or white, good or bad, right or wrong, up or down, etc. name it, the list goes on and on. In primary school, I was taught that 2 divides by 1 is 2 and 1 divided by 2 cannot. With the level of acquired knowledge I have some years back up until now, things in life are not just quiet as black or white but they all depend on the approach and HOW the particular procedure of the outcome was carried out. At this level now, 1 divided by 2 is now 0.5 and not cannot. Gary Chapman’s